Aggies in the Armed Forces: Colonel Carle Hall
Colonel Carle Hall
Class Year: 1967
Major: Biology
Asheboro, N.C.
Military Branch: U.S. Air Force
Commissioned in June 1967, joined the Air Force in November 1967
Retired in 1994
Can you share your experience serving in the military?
The US Air Force gave me the opportunity to travel to various locations both overseas and stateside. I served overseas in Bangkok, Thailand and the Republic of Panama and stateside in Florida, Ohio, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Alabama. Also, I served in key leadership and management positions in the personnel career field and missile Operations. Lastly, I was a commander of a Center Support Unit.
What is a message you would like to share with your Aggie family, friends and relatives?
I am grateful for the continuous love and support that the Aggie family, friends, and relatives provided to me throughout the years. They gave me the confidence to overcome many challenges in pursuing my personal goals.
Favorite Quote:
Never forget where you come from. You can make a difference.