Aggies in the Armed Forces,  North Carolina A&T Alumni in the News

Aggies in the Armed Forces: Colonel Harold Springs

Colonel Harold Springs

Class Year: 1983

Major: Industrial Technology

Fort Washington, Maryland

Military Branch: U.S. Air Force

Enlistment/Commission Date: 1983

Retired in 2009

Can you share your experience serving in the military?

I served primarily as an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) Maintenance Officer and spent a total of 11 winters in North Dakota.  I was also stationed in California, New Mexico, Virginia, Tokyo, and Washington, DC. Additionally I spent time in Moscow, Kazakhstan, Germany, Australia, and Johnston Atoll.

I was commissioned through the NCAT Air Force ROTC Program and Detachment 605 thoroughly prepared me for my Air Force career. I had a very positive experience during my service.  It was not the easiest career I could have chosen but it was the best for me.  I now have a much broader view of the world and I have experienced things that I never imagined possible.

What is a message you would like to share with your Aggie family, friends and relatives?

Throughout my travels I have always come in contact with fellow Aggies all around the world.  Our school has a very strong reputation within the military and a great presence.  I enjoyed my 4 years at A&T and I made friends that have lasted my lifetime.  If I had to do it all over again I would not change a thing. Aggie born, Aggie bred…

Favorite Quote:

Friendship is essential to the soul

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