Aggies in the Armed Forces,  North Carolina A&T Alumni in the News

Aggies in the Armed Forces: Lieutenant Colonel Charles M. Coffin, Jr.

Lieutenant Colonel Charles M. Coffin, Jr.

Class Year: 1976

Major: Business Administration

Greensboro, N.C.

Military Branch: U.S. Air Force

Enlistment/Commission Date: 1976

Retired in 1988

Can you share your experience serving in the military?

Before I share a synopsis of my military service experience, please allow me to share the start of my Air Force story – My journey began on the campus of North Carolina A&T State University, when I reluctantly agreed to joined the AFROTC (Det. 605) program as a freshman because of the “strong urging” of my Dad and first cousin in Greensboro (Lt Col Andrew Johnson Jr. – a Tuskegee Airman Fighter Pilot in WWII, Korea and Vietnam). Both of my heroes were “fighters” in their own rights and they inspired me to try something that changed my flight path of life forever and showed me that a knock down is not a knockout, if you get up and keep trying. Although my journey to become an AF Pilot was derailed after I sustained A&T football related knee surgeries, I was still blessed to serve 22 years in the USAF as an Acquisition/Contracting Officer, on the wings of a three-year AFROTC Scholarship and two additional academic degrees (at no cost to me) after I graduated from A&T. I am thankful to my wife, family and network of friends for their support during my career and to this day, I salute all of my fellow Veterans for their service and sacrifice.  

I had a wonderful military career and I would do it all over again if I could! I am truly blessed.  During my career, I  constantly reminded myself that I was an ambassador for God, Family, Country, A&T and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. This thought process drove me to excel then and it still motivates me to excel today.

Below is a synopsis of my duty assignments. 


Sep 1996 to Sep 1998, Senior Acquisition and Contracting Staff Officer, Defense Information Systems Agency, Arlington, VA.  Provided acquisition support to Agency customers in order to streamline the acquisition process during the requirements development and approval phase.  Provided outreach support to advocate for the use of agency-level Information Technology Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts.  Developed fiscal plans to support the Agency input to the DoD budget process.  Provided acquisition support for a numerous voice, data, video, and transmission telecommunications acquisitions valued at $7.5 billion. Participated on a competitive source selection evaluation team for a major agency-level communications acquisition. 

Sep 1995 to Sep 1996, Principal Technical Advisor to the Deputy Director, Procurement and Logistics, Defense Information Systems Agency, Arlington, VA.  Senior staff officer responsible for procurement policy and guidance for 125 procurement professionals.  Managed the acquisition oversight review process for requirements greater than $500,000. 

SPECIAL DIRECTED DUTY: Chief, Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization Office.  Agency advocate for small business prime and subcontracting opportunities to satisfy mission requirements and DOD goals.  Supervised a staff of four.  Managed Agency’s Mentor Protégé small business development program; approved subcontracting plans; and monitored small business awards against DOD goals.  Led Agency to consensus on a $250 million hardware maintenance small business set-aside contract.

Sep 1993 to Aug 1995, Air Force Industrial Base Program Element Monitor, Deputy Assistant Secretary (Management Policy and Program Integration) Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisition), Pentagon, Washington DC.  Managed $1.2 billion Industrial Base Program for Manufacturing Technology, Industrial Modernization Incentive Program, Planning and Air Force owned plants.  Called on regularly by the Office of the Secretary of Defense to resolve tough Congressional inquiries on the Defense Production Act.

Aug 1991 to Jul 1993, Deputy Chief, Manufacturing and Quality Assurance Division, Advanced Cruise Missile System Program Office, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH.  Led a 25-person Air Force and contractor team responsible for manufacturing and quality assurance at two prime contractor plants producing 450 missiles, valued at more than $1.6 billion.  Managed the scheduling and delivery processes for completed missiles to three Air Force bases.

Jul 1989 to Aug 1991, Industrial Base Contracts Manager, 6590 Contracting Squadron, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH.  Led the Air Force Systems Command (AFSC) Industrial Base manufacturing program office responsible for identifying market constraints and minimizing program risks for AFSC weapon system acquisitions.  Managed contracts valued at $24 million.  Within three months of assignment, skillfully streamlined the task order award process, trained 25 technical mangers, and published needed contracting guidance for customers. 

Aug 1985 to Jun 1989, Director of Contracting, Air Force Logistics Management Center, Gunter AFB, AL. Led a special projects team responsible for identifying, researching, testing and publishing results of studies and special projects designed to improve Air Force acquisition and contracting processes.  Supervised a staff of four.  Worked with Air Force Major Command Directors of Contracting, Air Staff, Department of Defense (DOD) activities, contractors, and academic institutions to identify problems, develop solutions, and implement policy and procedural changes.  Provided consulting and research advisory services to all levels of DOD.

Jul 1982 – Jul 1985, Assistant Professor of Aerospace Science, Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps Detachment 160, University of Georgia, Athens, GA.  Taught Fundamentals of Management course curriculum to college Juniors. Averaged 30 students per semester. Served as the Detachment Recruiting Officer responsible for implementing an advertising campaign on campus and in local media, speaking to high school and college school students, and providing information booths at various community events. Detachment 160 was ranked #2 in the nation in 1984 and #1 in the Southeast Area in 1984 and 1985.

Jul 1979 to Jul 1982, Chief, Architectural and Engineering Construction Section, Contract Administration Branch, Washington Area Contracting Center, Andrews AFB, MD.  Warranted Contracting Officer with authority to enter into contractual agreements on behalf of the United States Government. Responsible for administration of more than 100 contracts annually with a total value of more than $30 million.  Executed contract terminations for convenience and default, settled claims, negotiated contract changes, issued contracting officer final decisions, and provided staff training on procurement policy and procedures.  

Aug 1978 to Jul 1979, Chief, Services Contracting, Norton AFB, CA.  Warranted Contracting Officer with authority to enter into contractual agreements on behalf of the United States Government. Managed an annual contracting program in excess of $8 million to ensure all construction and services in support of base customers were contracted in a timely and efficient manner.

Sep 1976 to Jul 1978, Procurement Officer, Norton AFB, CA.  Warranted Contracting Officer with authority to enter into contractual agreements on behalf of the United States Government. Managed a $58 million contracting program to purchase supplies and equipment in support base customer requirements.  Developed an innovative chart system for programming and controlling staff work assignments.

What is a message you would like to share with your Aggie family, friends and relatives?

Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

The words “Aggie Pride” are more than an expression of enthusiasm and excitement.  To me, they mean knowing that I care about A&T by my actions and deeds to consistently give back with love and joy my treasure, my time, my support of the Academic and Athletics programs and the strategic vision for the university in the years to come.  I am so excited to spend my retirement years back in Greensboro and to be so close to the campus.  I enjoy being an active mentor for students, a member of the Gate City Alumni Chapter, Aggie Athletic Foundation and Student Engagement & Recruitment Committee.  I owe my professional career and life story to the foundation I received at A&T.  Some alumni ask themselves “What can I do or What should I do to support A&T, but I always ask myself “What “else” can I do to make a difference to support A&T, encourage our current and future students and spread the word about the excellence of A&T worldwide, because That’s What Aggies Do!  P.S. I traveled to the West African Country of Ghana in 2017 on a mission trip. During my trip, I worked with some very bright and enthusiastic elementary school students.  By the time I left, I was able to record a video of my students shouting “Aggie Pride” .

Favorite Quote:

“Don’t serve to be seen, just be seen serving”

“It is your attitude, not necessarily your aptitude, that will determine your altitude”

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