Aggies in the Armed Forces,  North Carolina A&T Alumni in the News

Aggies in the Armed Forces: Major General Hawthorne L. “Peet” Proctor

Major General Hawthorne L. “Peet” Proctor

Class Year: 1968

Major: Agriculture Business

Clifton, VA

Military Branch: U.S. Army

Commissioned in 1968, Active Duty 1969

Retired in 2004

Can you share your experience serving in the military?

Upon entering the Army, I attended basic officer schooling, then held 2 jobs in the USA before going to Vietnam.  Commanded at every level to include becoming the first black and 46th Quartermaster General of the Army. Serving was rewarding since I had no intentions of staying in the Army past my initial term of service.  At times there were challenges, but I was blessed to have mentors that assisted me in reaching senior levels of our Army.   One of my most rewarding assignments was to serve with a fellow Aggie MG(R) Reginald Clemmons!

What is a message you would like to share with your Aggie family, friends and relatives?

Serving in our Armed Forces during a period of war and to participate in its transformation into the force that it is today is exemplary!   Many strides have been made and a number of African Americans are rising through the ranks to senior levels.   Much remains to be done, but  I am reminded of the service of my great grandfather, Edmond Proctor who fought for his freedom with the 1st of the 1st US Colored Cavalry of Norfolk VA in the Civil War!

Favorite Quote:

I have many, but as a leader, my favorite is: “No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care”!

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