• North Carolina A&T Alumni in the News

    February One Reading Project 2024 (Galleries)

    For five years, the alumni chapters of North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University have organized the February One Reading project to encourage children across the United States to learn about the history of the A&T Four. The book, “Sit-In: How Four Friends Stood Up by Sitting Down” by Andrea Davis Pinkney has been read annually during the month of February. Durham Alumni Chapter Goldsboro Wayne Alumni Chapter Wilmington Alumni Chapter Columbus, Ohio Alumni Chapter Cleveland, Ohio Alumni Chapter Fayetteville, N.C. Alumni Chapter Twin City – Winston Salem, N.C. Alumni Chapter

  • North Carolina A&T Alumni in the News

    Bluford Library Archives: The History of the World War Memorial Stadium

    The World War Memorial Stadium is the home to the North Carolina A&T baseball and softball teams today. However, as many Aggies know, the seats and fields hold a century of memories. It was home to Aggie football for over 50 years, and countless games, concerts, and performances. The stadium’s connections to N.C. A&T go back a century and comes with a surprising beginning. Following the “The Great War,” multiple cities in the United States pledged to complete structures to honor fallen soldiers. A $100,000 stadium was announced for the city of Greensboro to be completed in 1926. The World War Memorial Stadium was dedicated on November 11, 1926, the…

  • Alumni Chapters,  North Carolina A&T Alumni in the News

    Columbia, S.C. Alumni Chapter of North Carolina A&T State University

    Columbia SC Midlands Chapter Chapter President Name: Eleanor Woods Dalton ’72 Chapter Email: columbiascaggies@gmail.com Tell us interesting facts about your chapter*    Our chapter is 51 Years old.  We are a very diverse chapter.  Our members’ ages range from 24 years old to 84 years old.      How can alumni join your chapter? http://columbiasc.ncatsualumni.org/ How much are your dues?*    $50.00 per school year (July 1-June 30) 

  • Alumni Chapters,  North Carolina A&T Alumni in the News

    Roanoke- Chowan Alumni Chapter of North Carolina A&T State University

    Chapter President: Carl Bond Chapter Email: ronoakechowanaggies@gmail.com Tell us interesting facts about your chapter: The Roanoke-Chowan Alumni Chapter conductscommunity projects for our service area. We also have partnerships with all the school districtsin our area. How can alumni join your chapter: You can join by emailing our chapter atroanokechowanaggies@gmail.com, and one of the Executive Members will contact you with theapplication. How much are your dues: $60

  • Alumni Chapters,  North Carolina A&T Alumni in the News

    Goldsboro/Wayne Alumni Chapter of North Carolina A&T State University

    Chapter President: Alvin Ward Chapter Email: goldwayneaggiepresident@gmail.com Tell us interesting facts about your chapter: Our Chapter was adopted on January 16, 1964This year January 16, 2024, will be 60 years in existence at a DIAMOND Celebration. Weconnect with local alumni and support Aggies during social gatherings, and church events. Wealso provide local scholarships with Senior Send-offs of Goldsboro Wayne County Students. Our goal is to support students before, during, and even after graduation but while in school isto stay engaged with students throughout their Aggie Experience. How can alumni join your chapter:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeSlJZdsdWwOp sCRZk-1epvq6s3SfvgKsuu2sk6BRBL17 P_3g/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w= 1&flr=0&usp=mail_form_link How much are your dues: $75 Alumni/ $50 Associate Please share information about your chapter…

  • Alumni Chapters,  North Carolina A&T Alumni in the News

    Durham Alumni Chapter of North Carolina A&T State University

    Chapter President: Shawn Jeter Chapter Email: durhamalumniaggies@gmail.com Tell us interesting facts about your chapter: Durham Aggies support the Durham communitywith service projects, offer scholarships to Durham students attending the university, andprovide networking opportunities for Aggies in the areaHow can alumni join your chapter: https://linktr.ee/durhamalumniaggies How much are your dues: $50 Please share information about your chapter scholarship: Our chapter awards one High SchoolSenior currently enrolled in a Durham County North Carolina High School 2● Must register at North Carolina A&T State University as a full-time student. Full-timestudent is defined as full-time enrollment (12 or more hours) for the entire upcomingacademic year.● Currently have a minimum grade point average of 2.8…

  • Alumni Chapters,  North Carolina A&T Alumni in the News

    Rocky Mount-Tarboro Alumni Chapter of North Carolina A&T State University

    Chapter President: Salinder Broady Chapter Email: rmtaggiealumni@gmail.com Tell us interesting facts about your chapter: Our chapter encompasses the Nash andEdgecombe county area. We are a growing chapter and are involved in several activities suchas freshman/transfer student send-offs, community service projects, and chapter social eventsthat embody North Carolina A&T goals. How can alumni join your chapter: Mail dues to: Rocky Mount/Tarboro Alumni Chapter of NCA&T P.O. Box 6687 Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27802-6687, or Zelle payments are accepted!Use the email address rmtaggiealumni@gmail.com How much are your dues: $50

  • Alumni Chapters,  North Carolina A&T Alumni in the News

    Northern Virginia Alumni Chapter of North Carolina A&T State University

    Chapter President: Phillip Foust Chapter Email: novaaggies@gmail.com Tell us interesting facts about your chapter: We have been a chartered chapter since 2020.We have grown our membership to 97 members in 2023 with a goal of exceeding the 100 markin 2024. We have established signature events such as our “Suite Life” HBCU Night with theWashington Wizards, Share Ministries Partnership with a local church in Dumfries, VA to feedover 900 families during the Holiday Season between Thanksgiving and Christmas, and ourmost recent Aggie Sneaker Ball as a Christmas Social event. These and many other events inour community are garnering such recognition, that other organizations are asking us to partnerwith them to provide…

  • Alumni Chapters,  North Carolina A&T Alumni in the News

    Tidewater Alumni Chapter of North Carolina A&T State University

    Chapter President: Regina Summerville Chapter Email: TidewaterAlumni1891@gmail.com How can alumni join your chapter: Those interested in becoming a member of the TidewaterAlumni Chapter can reach out via email for more information TidewaterAlumni1891@gmail.com How much are your dues: $100 Please share information about your chapter scholarship: The Tidewater Chapter of theNorth Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University George S. “Big City” GreenScholarship is open to students residing in the Hampton Roads Area cities of Chesapeake,Hampton, Newport News, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach. The scholarship isawarded in the amount of $2000 for one academic school year.

  • Alumni Chapters,  North Carolina A&T Alumni in the News

    Gate City Alumni Chapter of North Carolina A&T State University

    Chapter President: Dedra Eatmon Chapter Email: gcaggies@gmail.com Tell us interesting facts about your chapter: Our Chapter was founded in 1909 which makesus the oldest chapter. Our Gate City Awards Program evolved into the National AlumniAssociation Awards since its establishment in the 1940s. We also established the Gate CityAlumni Chapter Scholarship in 1983. How can alumni join your chapter: https://gatecity.ncatsualumni.org/membership/ How much are your dues: $55 Please share information about your chapter scholarship: The Gate City Alumni Chapterhas established a scholarship program to assist Guilford County High School students who arepursuing a college education at North Carolina A&T State University. This scholarship is offeredeach year to one incoming Freshman and is…