• Aggies in the Armed Forces,  North Carolina A&T Alumni in the News

    Aggies in the Armed Forces: Colonel Harold Springs

    Colonel Harold Springs Class Year: 1983 Major: Industrial Technology Fort Washington, Maryland Military Branch: U.S. Air Force Enlistment/Commission Date: 1983 Retired in 2009 Can you share your experience serving in the military? I served primarily as an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) Maintenance Officer and spent a total of 11 winters in North Dakota.  I was also stationed in California, New Mexico, Virginia, Tokyo, and Washington, DC. Additionally I spent time in Moscow, Kazakhstan, Germany, Australia, and Johnston Atoll. I was commissioned through the NCAT Air Force ROTC Program and Detachment 605 thoroughly prepared me for my Air Force career. I had a very positive experience during my service.  It was…

  • Aggies in the Armed Forces,  North Carolina A&T Alumni in the News

    Aggies in the Armed Forces: Second Lieutenant Eric Evans

    Second Lieutenant Eric Evans Class Year: 2012 Major: Criminal Justice Morrisville, N.C. Military Branch: U.S. Army Reserve Enlistment/Commission Date: 2015 Active Can you share your experience serving in the military? Currently I am a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Army Reserve but I got my start as a Specialist in the N.C. Army National Guard in 2015. I used to be one of the people that said that I would never join the military, even though my mother was a former officer in the U.S. Air Force. I was struggling paying my student loans and I saw a National Guard brochure and it talked about Student Loan Repayments. I immediately…

  • Aggies in the Armed Forces,  North Carolina A&T Alumni in the News

    Aggies in the Armed Forces: Captain Jerrel Scriven

    Captain Jerrel Scriven Class Year: 2010 Major: Journalism and Mass Communications From: Japan (Government dependent) Currently: San Antonio, TX Military Branch: U.S. Air Force Enlistment/Commission Date: 2010 Retired in 2020  Can you share your experience serving in the military? What started as a simple HR career grew to two exciting deployments (Afghanistan 2012, Central America 2015), some time in USAF recruiting and Command Level project officer. It was certainly an adventure. Unfortunately, sometimes it takes a toll on the body and for me, it cut my career short. What is a message you would like to share with your Aggie family, friends and relatives? Continue to defy the odds. You…

  • Aggies in the Armed Forces,  North Carolina A&T Alumni in the News

    Aggies in the Armed Forces: Captain Krizia Webster-Gaither

    Captain Krizia Webster-Gaither Class Year: 2010 Major: Nursing Currently stationed in Fort Meade, Maryland Military Branch: U.S. Army Enlistment/Commission Date: 2006 Active Can you share your experience serving in the military? Challenging at times but mostly rewarding. I have enjoyed the lessons learned and opportunities to meet new people and experience life outside of Greensboro, NC. What is a message you would like to share with your Aggie family, friends and relatives? Stay blessed and humble and know dark days don’t last forever. Favorite Quote: I will either find a way or make a way.

  • Aggies in the Armed Forces,  North Carolina A&T Alumni in the News

    Aggies in the Armed Forces: Captain Desmond Keith

    Captain Desmond Keith Class Year: 2015 Major: Supply Chain Management Fayetteville, N.C. Military Branch: U.S. Army Commissioned September 2015 Active Can you share your experience serving in the military? I feel serving in the US Army has challenged me mentally and physically, but I have become a better person because of it.  The unity and sense camaraderie I have experienced over the years is unrivaled and truly represents what makes us great as a nation What is a message you would like to share with your Aggie family, friends and relatives? Positivity, perseverance, and prayer go along way. I’m grateful for all the love and support I have gotten from…

  • Aggies in the Armed Forces,  North Carolina A&T Alumni in the News

    Aggies in the Armed Forces: Major Dorethas Bracey-Bean

    Major Dorethas Bracey-Bean  Class Year: 2010 Major: Political Science Columbus, MS Military Branch: U.S. Air Force Commission Date: 2010 Active Can you share your experience serving in the military? Great opportunities have been presented to me that were both fun and challenging. The journey has also been humbling. What is a message you would like to share with your Aggie family, friends and relatives? Aggie Pride! Favorite Quote: I will permit no man to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him. -Booker T Washington

  • Aggies in the Armed Forces,  North Carolina A&T Alumni in the News

    Aggies in the Armed Forces: Colonel Carle Hall

    Colonel Carle Hall Class Year: 1967 Major: Biology Asheboro, N.C. Military Branch: U.S. Air Force Commissioned in June 1967, joined the Air Force in November 1967 Retired in 1994 Can you share your experience serving in the military? The US Air Force gave me the opportunity to travel to various locations both overseas and stateside. I served overseas in Bangkok, Thailand and the Republic of Panama and stateside in Florida, Ohio, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Alabama. Also, I served in key leadership and management positions in the personnel career field and missile Operations. Lastly, I was a commander of a Center Support Unit. What is a message you would like to…