N.C. A&T Alumni Reunion Weekend Kicked Off with Historic Class Participation

The North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Office of Alumni Relations would like to recap the unforgettable moments we shared during the Alumni Reunion Weekend for the Golden Class of 1974 and Silver Class of 1999. Aggies traveled as far as Portugal, Spain, Albany, New York, Chicago, Milwaukee, Dallas, Texas, Los Angeles, and San Diego, California to North Carolina to convene during May 9-12, 2024. Most importantly, this year’s Alumni Reunion Weekend had groundbreaking attendance with the Golden Class of 1974 with 100 class members and the Silver Class of 1999 with 191 class members.
The weekend kicked off on Friday, May 10, with the Society of Golden Aggies Luncheon that inducted the Golden Class of 1974 and Chancellor Harold L. Martin, Sr., Ph.D. ‘74 & “76.

Due to this momentous occasion, all golden Aggies were invited to North Carolina A&T State University to celebrate Chancellor Martin’s induction. Classes from 1948 to 1973 came to celebrate the Golden Class of 1974, who were inducted by Dr. Velma Speight ‘53.
After the luncheon, the classes in reunion were given a campus tour by A&T staff and took over the A&T Bookstore to buy Aggie swag.
Later in the evening, all Aggies and their guests attended the Welcome Celebration to set the tone for the weekend at the host hotel, Sheraton Greensboro Hotel at Four Seasons. The hotel was buzzing with excitement as classmates reconnected, sharing stories and memories that spanned throughout the years. The infectious laughter and warm embraces were a testament to the enduring bond that unites Aggies across generations.
On Saturday, May 11, our Aggies had to wake up early to prepare to be honored at the Spring Commencement Ceremony at the Greensboro Coliseum Complex. The morning was filled with expectation, excitement, and that good Ol’ Aggie Spirit.
At the beginning of the ceremony, Chancellor Martin recognized his class, the Golden Class of 1974 and the Silver Class of 1999 with thunderous applause from the audience. The atmosphere at commencement was electrifying with joy from the graduates, the keynote speaker, Tamron Hall, and family and friends cheering in the stands.

After commencement, both classes were transported to the Dudley Memorial Building and Truist Stadium to take the official Alumni Reunion Group Photo

In the evening, the Society of Silver Aggies Induction and Closing Banquet brought together both classes, family, friends, and distinguished guests for a night of elegance, fine dining, and entertainment from Marcus B. Smooth. The Silver Class of 1999 was honored and inducted into the Society of Silver Aggies by Dr. Velma Speight ‘53.
Later that night, it was announced by Crystal W. Boyce ’07 and ’15, Associate Vice Chancellor for Alumni Relations the Giving Goals:
Golden Class of 1974 – $110,480.73
Golden Class of 1974 Endowment – $15,675
Silver Class of 1999 – $90,923.66
Silver Class of 1999 Endowment – $4,768
As the evening came to a close, Aggies danced the night away in celebration and stayed up for hours.
The Office of Alumni Relations would like to express our deepest gratitude to all the dedicated Class Coordinators and planning committee members, alumni volunteers, students, the Division of Advancement team, and University-wide colleagues who made this Alumni Reunion Weekend successful. Your tireless efforts and unwavering commitment to the Aggie family made this event a truly remarkable experience.

One Comment
Dr. Judy Rashid
Class Reunion Weekend 2024- ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS! A HUGE THANK YOU to the Office of Alumni Relations , under the stellar leadership of Mrs. Crystal Williams Boyce and also to her team , for an OUTSTANDING job as they led the way in pulling everything and everybody together (both alumni and university offices) to participate in one for the records book! I am grateful for my alma mater, Dear Ole’ A&T , that gave me higher education birth in 1974 to help me with my needs!!
Dr. Judy Rashid (’74 , ’91)