Reflections by Velma R. Speight ’53 on Naming

My Dear Aggies and Friends,
My heart is still full and I want to personally thank each of you who shared and celebrated with me during the naming dedication of Speight Hall. Having a residence hall at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University named in my honor is truly one of the greatest accomplishments of my life.
Your support, whether in person, via the live stream or in spirit, warmed my heart and means more to me than I can adequately articulate.
Thank you for all your kind well-wishes, thoughts, flowers, cards and generous gifts. I appreciate every single one. It has been and will continue to be my honor to serve my beloved alma mater with determination, distinction and vigor. Again, thank you for supporting me along this journey.
With Aggie Pride,
Velma R. Speight ’53

 Article: N.C. A&T Names Residence Hall for Trailblazer Speight ’53

Lawrence Edward Clark
Congratulations Dr. Speight. This is a well deserved, earned honor.
Jeanine Harris